This is Graduate dinghy plans

Topic Graduate dinghy plans

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building a 14 5 sailling dinghy with 5 8 beam strip planked in western

Building a 14 5 sailling dinghy with 5 8 beam strip planked in western

 boat was designed in 1949 by G O’Brien Kennedy. To find out more

boat was designed in 1949 by G O’Brien Kennedy. To find out more

15′ Glen L Cracker Box- Daniel Lipczynski

15′ Glen L Cracker Box- Daniel Lipczynski

10′ Puffin Rowing/Sailing Boat – Richard Laing

10′ Puffin Rowing/Sailing Boat – Richard Laing

Embroidery Designs

Embroidery Designs

Now back to Graduate dinghy plans

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